Case Studies


Imperial College's previous room booking system was not automated and led to excessive time being spent on managing room bookings as well as slow updates to cancellations and booking changes.

Global Spaces implemented Room-Wise, our room booking system, to improve building efficiency, as well as making it easier to create and edit bookings. The system was implemented over 2 phases, one of testing, and one of implementation.

The system allows for rooms to be warmed or cooled down 15 minutes before a room booking begins, and using unique ID's for each booking, it ensures there are no double bookings. Imperial College had various lecture and teaching rooms, meaning the space is controlled by two types of systems, Variable Air Volume (VAV) and Fan Coil Units (FCU).

Linking the room booking system to the building management system means VAV and FCU units are not left on in an empty room.

With reduced occupancy based on the 260 working days of the year, the savings on this project will result in a positive ROI in under 12 months.
