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Understanding the demands of your building

Optimisation of buildings requires more than just a BeMS system; it is essential to understand the building’s energy demand and utilisation at any given time of day. This information can then be used to fine tune the particular BeMS operation. There will also be services not controlled by the BeMS that still need to be measured. Ideally, a good submetering solution will collect the consumption data, and an energy analysis tool will help to identify areas where performance can be improved and savings can be achieved.

Strategy and design

Our last blog focused on the experience global associates has in managing and servicing BeMS projects. Here we will explain why a strategic approach and holistic design is required for organisations to truly understand their energy usage and drive ongoing optimisation. It is simply not enough to look at individual aspects of a building or estate, such as HVAC, BeMS, Lighting and Access. Whilst you can address individual aspects and improve energy efficiency; in order to maximise your savings and significantly improve the operational capability of a building or estate, you need to look across the entire Energy Architecture (EA). The global associates energy team has extensive experience and expertise that will help you to define your Energy Strategy for both new builds and existing assets. 

Energy management and software

Over recent years we have seen clients encounter new and increased technical challenges. Our rapid engagement process, named Energy-Architecture-Assessment (EAA),allows for rapid engagement and creation of an actionable, pragmatic plan with a set of actions that clearly communicate the benefits of undertaking any proposed change. Leveraging the Energy-Architecture-Assessment (EAA) process, the global associates energy team is able to integrate a joined-up solution leveraging commercial off the shelf products, in conjunction with the BeMS.

We have partnerships with several of the leading independent Energy Management Software providers. Energy-related software applications provide real-time metering, consumption analysis, tenant billing, carbon and sustainability reporting. There are a variety of software platforms available, and global associates’ Energy experts can assess your requirements and assist in selection the right platform to meet your requirements. 

Metering and submetering

Another key component of an effective energy management strategy is metering and submetering. By installing meters and submeters throughout a commercial building it is possible to monitor the energy consumption of particular areas, such as lighting circuits, small power circuits and kitchen plant. The meters enable the collection of invaluable half-hourly data. The data from submeters once collected can be sent to a Monitoring and Targeting (M&T) software package and used to analyse the data to build an in-depth picture of a buildings energy use. The information from the sub metering system can be used to identify key energy drivers and highlight energy wastage.

With increasing energy prices and decreasing hardware costs, installing additional metering for the potential saving makes sound economic sense.However, the current drive towards improved monitoring is about much more than saving energy - running the energy consuming plant more efficiently can lead to longer lifespan and reduced maintenance requirements.


Written by global associates on 10th March 2019

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